Saturday, October 9, 2010

Blood Moon: Leroy d'Evreux

Name: Leroy Henri André Pierre d'Evreux

Age: 17 (?)

Occupation: High school junior

Origins: French

Appearance: Hair - Black; Eyes - ?

Personality: Carefree, passionate, sadistic, dangerous, mysterious, uncompassionate

Likes: Watching others suffer

Hates: Boredom

(Author's note: Yes. Long name. And yes, I'm not familiar with French names, which means I don't even know if "d'Evreux" is a valid last name. Only know it means "of Evreux". But I do intent to have a sort of "royalty" name for him to better suit his background. Had considered to use "Faucheuse" as his last name, making it "Leroy Faucheuse", meaning The King Reaper. But, meh~ it's too cheesy. And the colour of his eyes...well, in the story, no one seems to be able to remember his eye colour, so...)

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