Saturday, October 9, 2010

Blood Moon: Lilith Korbokova

Name: Lilith Korbokova

Age: Unknown

Occupation: Unknown

Origins: Russian (?)

Appearance: Hair - Black; Eyes - Black

Personality: Malevolent, self-centered, unsympathetic, possessive, cold, arrogant

Likes: Unknown

Hates: Something of hers being taken away

(Author's note: Well, nothing much is known of her -- not even her age and origins. Her last name might not even be real. These are all understandable, given the fact that she's the Queen of vampires. And her name being Lilith means she is associated with the "Lilith" in the Bible, where she's known to be Adam's first wife. She's also a demon or a vampire and associated with Satan in other traditions. Given the origins of the vampires in my story, "Lilith" is the most suitable name for this Queen of Hell.)

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